I Need Your Help For My Podcast
I Need Your Help, and you could win a prize!
Please rate and review on iTunes, and download, comment and share Stitcher. (See below for details.)
Please email me at Carol@CarolABriney with your name and phone number. EVERY TIME that you review or share on either stitcher or iTunes. Your name will be enter in a contest to win 1 of 4 – $50.00 restaurant gift certificates.
The drawing will be held on June 10th at the South Hills BLX Meeting.
I am excited to announce that I have created a podcast titled:
Embracing Your Unlimited Possibilities.
Where I need your help is in rating AND reviewing on iTunes.
Click on the word iTunes right above this and it will take you to a web page list. It will then say view this on iTunes click there. THEN you will see REVIEWS, click on reviews and it will ask you if you want to RATE and REVIEW the podcast yourself. THIS IS SO VERY IMPORTANT RIGHT NOW. And doing it as soon a possible is most important. Your rating and review WILL make a difference. THANK YOU!
I also need your help on Stitcher.com
You can go to Stitcher.com on your computer or download the app on your android phone. Just click on the word Stitcher to take you to the webpage.
Either listen now or download to listen later one or ALL of the podcasts. You can write a comment at the bottom of each.
(This contest in not affiliated in any way with iTunes, Stitcher, Facebook, Linked-in or Twitter. )