Do You Walk Your Talk? A Podcast By Inspirational Speaker Carol A. Briney
Do You Walk Your Talk? In today’s episode of the Embracing Your Unlimited Possibilities Show; Inspirational Speaker, Spiritual Teacher, and Author Carol A. Briney shares why it is so important to not only talk about what you want to see other people do and how you want to them to act but to actually, walk your talk in business, politics and your personal life. Carol joyfully resides in Pittsburgh, Pa.
Carol has combined her 30-plus years of business experience with her years of Spiritual study to create a unique blend of Spiritual Prosperity. Carol is often praised for her ability to teach, motivate, inspire and entertain through high-energy keynotes, retreats, and workshops.
To Hire Carol To Speak or Train For Your Group or To Work Privately With her.
To Listen To This Informative and Thought Provoking Podcast Click on One of the Links Below.