Mindfulness 101 – A Podcast With Carol A. Briney
In today’s episode of the Embracing Your Unlimited Possibilities Podcast, Author, Podcast Host, and Spiritual Trainer Carol A. Briney shares her wisdom and insights about mindfulness and how it can transform your life. To Hire Carol To Speak, Train, or Consult For Your Conference, Business, Retreat, Woman’s Group or To Work One – on – […]
You Get What You Believe In – A Podcast by Carol A Briney
In today’s episode of the Embracing Your Unlimited Possibilities Podcast, Author, International Speaker, and Spiritual Trainer Carol A. Briney shares why what you believe matters in creating the life of your dreams. We create our lives with every thought, word, and action. Each of us has our own Divine spark inside us, and we do […]
A Few Channels To Listen To The Embracing Your Unlimited Possibilities Podcast by Carol A Briney
A Few Channels to Find the Embracing Your Unlimited Possibilities Podcast. Just click on the link below your favorite channel and enjoy! Carol A. Briney’s Show Page: https://carolabriney.com/category/podcast/ Amazon Music Podcasts https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/27f3d957-a853-4ddb-a560-94721d7ba87a/Embracing-Your-Unlimited-Possibilities-with-Carol-A-Briney Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/show/embracing-your-unlimited-possibilities-with-carol-a-briney-2 iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/embracing-your-unlimited-possibilities-carol-briney/id1545631800 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/674N3a3ClGjSejZmCdT79q Radio Public https://radiopublic.com/embracing-your-unlimited-possibil-6rNQAR/episodes Deezer chttps://www.deezer.com/us/show/2094292
Your Power To Be Happy – A Podcast By Carol A. Briney
In today’s episode of the Embracing Your Unlimited Possibilities Podcast, Author, Podcast Host, and Spiritual Trainer Carol A. Briney talks about your power of choice. You have the choice to be happy or miserable. You get to decide and with The Law Of Attraction, the Universe will give you anything that you choose. To Hire […]
It Is Only A Mistake If You Quit
Mistakes Are Simply Stepping Stones In today’s episode of the Embracing Your Unlimited Possibilities Podcast, Author, Inspirational Speaker, and Spiritual Trainer, Carol A. Briney shares some life- changing information about why it is so important to not fear mistakes and failures. She goes on to explain why both, are prerequisites to getting what you want. […]
Releasing The Year 2020 With Ease and Grace – A Podcast by Carol A Briney
In today’s episode of the Embracing Your Unlimited Possibilities Podcast, Author, Podcast Host, and Spiritual Trainer Carol A. Briney shares 10- minutes on why it is so important to release the year 2020 with ease and grace. To Hire Carol To Speak, Train, or Consult For Your Conference, Business, Retreat, Woman’s Group or To Work […]
Have A Joyous Journey!
What other people say about you is absolutely none of your business. You, my magnificent friend, are a divine being having a human experience and you ROCK! You are here to live your bliss no matter what anyone else thinks. Go ahead and live in a way that makes your heart soar! Your joy and […]
Words Cannot Hurt You ~ Carol A. Briney
This is an extremely POWERFUL message and when we “get it” we reduce the mental pain in our lives tenfold. You are perfect in the Divines’ eyes. You are a part of the Divine, how could you be any less than perfect? Stop letting what other people think run your life. You are loved more […]
If You Want A Peaceful World…
If you want a peaceful world You must choose to be a peaceful person. It all starts within.
Books Make Great Easter Basket Fillers!
Embracing Your Unlimited Possibilities is an extraordinary handbook full of down to earth wisdom and useful insights that invite you to open your heart and mind to your authentic self. In this book, Carol A. Briney helps you to learn and truly understand that you are connected directly to Source and that your Spiritual path […]
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