
The Book Embracing Your Unlimited Possibilities – A Handbook For Life – Life Changing

Every once in awhile a book is written that speaks right to your soul. Embracing Your Unlimited Possibilities is one of those books. This handbook is full of down to earth wisdom and useful insights that invite you to open your heart and mind to your authentic self. Carol A. Briney’s conversational style of writing […]

If You Want A Peaceful World…

If you want a peaceful world You must choose to be a peaceful person. It all starts within.

Books Make Great Easter Basket Fillers!

Embracing Your Unlimited Possibilities is an extraordinary handbook full of down to earth wisdom and useful insights that invite you to open your heart and mind to your authentic self. In this book, Carol A. Briney helps you to learn and truly understand that you are connected directly to Source and that your Spiritual path […]

Just Do It !

Just go for it! Take a baby step. Take a leap. Do it! Anything worth doing is worth doing it wrong for a while until you get it right. As they say “it is all good” So here is my fortune for today. Ignorance on fire is better than knowledge on ice. !!!!! Rock and […]

Great Reviews For Embracing Your Unlimited Possibilities – A Handbook For Life

This Is A Life Changing Book! – Becky Auer – No BS Marketing Embracing Your Unlimited Possibilities – A Handbook For Life is an amazing and life changing book. This soulful book stimulates and inspires, and the ideas are exceptionally compelling. The book is presented in an easy to read format that makes it a […]

It’s Fabulous Friday! – And You Rock Baby! – Carol A. Briney

Good Morning, Good Morning, Joyous and Happy Good Morning! It is FANTASTIC Friday what are you doing to set the tone for your day? Today is a blank slate YOU can choose. Do you choose to be happy or do you choose drama and misery? You my, friend are a Divine creature here having an […]

Allow Your Light To Shine! – Carol A. Briney

Allow your light to shine.  You will never know how many people you might impact by being a light in their darkness. You are an AWESOME, SPECIAL, FABULOUS, DELIGHTFUL,WONDEROUS, light!  Let your Divine self-shine! CarolABriney.com Embracing Your Unlimited Possibilities – A Handbook For Life!   

Inspiration In You In-Box – CarolABriney.com January 8, 1015

Happy 2015 First things first. I believe that it is appropriate to start the first newsletter of the new year out with my thanks and gratitude to you for supporting Embracing Your Unlimited Possibilities and Carol A Briney International. The launch of the book has been exciting and caused a flurry of lovely activity and […]

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