In Today’s Podcast Carol A Briney Talks About Your Power of Choice and The Law Of Attraction
In today’s episode of the Embracing Your Unlimited Possibilities Podcast, Inspirational Speaker, Spiritual Business Consultant, and Author, Carol A. Briney asks the question “Are You Waiting For Someone Else To Change So That You Can Be Happy?”.
Do You Live Your Life Like A Zombie?
Do you live your life like a zombie going from day to day and never noticing what is going on around you? When you live like that, your life becomes one big blur with no meaning. So today, if you choose, stop and notice what is going on around you in your life. Take the […]
You Are Limitless Potential
We are ALL Divine beings having an Earthly experience. All things are possible for us. And by that, I do mean ALL THINGS. If what you want brings you happiness and fills your heart with joy then you can have it. Yes, there might be some fear. Heck, there might even be big whopping amounts of fear. But […]
Some Thoughts on Orlando and The World.
I can not get angry enough, sad enough, mean enough, upset enough, or worried enough to help the people of Orlando. What will work is for me to pray and send loving light and energy to Orlando as well as the entire world. It is also crucial for me to keep my thoughts on love, […]
Simply Be A Better Person Today Than You Were Yesterday
The past is the past. It can not be changed. Your job, should you choose to accept it, is to be a better person today than you were yesterday. You did what you did with the knowledge that you had back then. You know differently now, so you can choose to do something different. We […]