I Have A Vision – Carol A. Briney International Speaker, Author & #1-Rated Podcast Host
I Have A Vision I have a vision to manifest a kinder, more compassionate and giving world. To help people to learn to listen to each other to understand and not just respond. To help people learn to slow down and be mindful of the moments of their life, not just rush through always […]
Books Make Great Easter Basket Fillers!
Embracing Your Unlimited Possibilities is an extraordinary handbook full of down to earth wisdom and useful insights that invite you to open your heart and mind to your authentic self. In this book, Carol A. Briney helps you to learn and truly understand that you are connected directly to Source and that your Spiritual path […]
Just Do It !
Just go for it! Take a baby step. Take a leap. Do it! Anything worth doing is worth doing it wrong for a while until you get it right. As they say “it is all good” So here is my fortune for today. Ignorance on fire is better than knowledge on ice. !!!!! Rock and […]