Do You Seek Council Or Opinion – Embracing Your Unlimited Possibilities Podcast with Carol A. Briney
In today’s episode of the Embracing Your Unlimited Possibilities Show, International Speaker, Author, Podcast Host and The CEO of Unlimited Possibilities at Carol A. Briney International Carol asks the question; do you seek council or opinions? If you want to succeed in Network Marketing, MLM, Homebased-Business, Direct Sales, or any other small business you must be aware of who you are listening to for advice. Carol goes on to explain how successful people seek the council of other successful people to learn and grow. If you are considering starting any business or perhaps wondering why you are not as successful as you would like to be, this is the podcast for you.
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Makes sense…I would have to say I seek council….Love these inspirational messages…
Comment by Dora Butko — June 12, 2015 @ 9:52 pm